
The Cecil County Republican Club is happy to announce we submitted an application for David Woodruff for consideration for the vacated seat of the Central Committee today July 26, 2017.
Conservative Republican looking to make a change? RUN FOR AN OFFICE! Looking for conservative citizens to get involved YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Cecil County 2018 Gubernatorial Primary Election Seats are open.
AR-15 GUN RAFFLE -Friday, June 30, 2017
The Stag Arms Model 2 AR-15 chambered in 5.56 NATO is one of the most dependable rifles on the market. If you are a serious shooter, few rifles will perform like the Model 2 and certainly not that many with as dignified of a history as the Model 2. Being built to Mil-Spec means that this AR-15 is ready for the toughest of environments at the drop of a hat. *Must be 18 and pass NICS background check for rifle pick up at J&K ASSOCIATES Havre de Grace, Md
The Republican chicken BBQ at the Cecil County Fair has been a county tradition for over 50 years and presented by the Cecil County Republican Central Committee. They offer a low priced dinner and an opportunity to meet your local, state and national Republican representatives. The cost is $10. and you get 1/2 BBQ chicken, Cole slaw, roll & butter, chips, cookie and iced tea or lemonade. July 24th at the Cecil County Fair - Starts around 4PM
We Cordially invite you to a breakfast with Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. Representing Maryland’s 1st district ~ Member, Appropriations Committee Tuesday July 11, 2017 8:00 am BREAKFAST $50 per person/$250 Host /$1,000 Sponsor Triton Bar & Grill on the Elk River 285 Plum Point Road, Elkton MD 21921 Kindly RSVP to Amy (410) 727-4812 or
Cecil County Republican Central Committee Proudly Presents the 2017 Lincoln Day Dinner Featuring Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford Saturday, 13 May 2017 Schafer’s Canal House Ballroom Chesapeake City, Maryland Social hour starting at 5 PM Dinner starting at 6 PM
Summer Break! -Friday, May 5, 2017
The Cecil County Republican Club will be postponing meetings over the summer months due to vacations, etc. We will resume our meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of September (9/13/2017) at 7pm Watch for Announcements and keep on on any news on Facebook and our Website! Have a Safe & Fun Summer!!!!
MARCH MEETING CANCELED -Sunday, March 5, 2017
We are canceling the normally scheduled meeting since many of our members are planning to attend the county's presentation of “Under Contract: Farmers and the Fine Print,” a documentary film about the inner workings of the farming industry, will be shown in a free screening at the Cecil County Administration Building at 6:30 p.m. this Wednesday
We will be having out 2nd meeting that will solidify the new structure of the organization to ensure livelihood and purity of the clubs agenda that is electing conservative candidates under the republican party. 2nd Wednesday WHEN: February 8th, 2017 WHERE: Unwined, North East MD 7PM Please send email to confirm seating (
We will be conducting our very first club meeting at UnWined and plan on having a Town Hall style of meeting to get input from others on the direction of the county and what we can do as a team to make it better for all of us. Our responsibility as citizens is to hire (elect) officials who will work in the manner in which we elected them for. Many time they pull the wool over our eyes and we need to do a better job of vetting Republicans to make sure they convey our conservative principals. We will be conducting our very first club meeting at UnWined and plan on having a Town Hall style of meeting to get input from others on the direction of the county and what we can do as a team to make it better for all of us. Our responsibility as citizens is to hire (elect) officials who will work in the manner in which we elected them for. Many time they pull the wool over our eyes and we need to do a better job of vetting Republicans to make sure they convey our conservative principals.